To The Mom at the Splash Park: Thank You
The right word spoken at the right time is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl. Proverbs 25:11 It was over 7 years ago; our first child was two years old and our second was about two months old. I had the brave idea ...

Easter Scavenger Hunt Riddles for Older Kids
Easter is on its way! Egg hunts are usually part of the fun for younger kids, but what about your older kids who would still appreciate a fun activity to look forward to? An Easter scavenger hunt is the perfect solution! It c...

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Balls
I love Reese's peanut butter cups. I especially love the Easter egg ones sold this time of year. They pack a lot of sugar and calories so while I do still treat myself to them, I like having other sweet options on hand too th...

Easter Resurrection Rolls
Easter is my granddaughter’s favorite holiday. She looks forward to all the traditions that have marked the holiday for her so far. She loves hunting for eggs at her Aunt Tee’s house and then coming to Nana ...

Rushing Into Spring
It happens every year. We get a few sunny days and I immediately go into a full-blown case of spring fever. I run outside to embrace the new season and am met with the brown, mushy remains of last year's garden. I am determin...

Spring Cleaning on Spring Break: Ten Tips
While part of me is grasping at straws to convince myself I would rather be at home in the great state of Washington than a beach on Hawaii, one thing I am honestly looking forward to is Spring Cleaning. I know the end of the...

Low-Cost Family Activity Ideas for a No School Day (Even Last Minute!)
Every time I get the notification, my heart starts to beat a little faster: no school. Oh no. I tend to forget to check the school calendar, so days off take me by surprise, like a recent teacher's workday. Honestly, without ...

Five Priorities for Raising Healthy Youth
Today we'll talk about the top five priorities we have as parents, and discuss how each is an opportunity to raise our children up in the way they should go.

Fast and Easy Snack Wraps
Matthew 14:13-21 tells the well-known story of the five loaves and the two fish: "But Jesus said, "They need not go away; you give them something to eat." They said to him, "We have only five loaves here a...

I Started Lent Late. Again.
I grew up Catholic. I attended Catholic school from kindergarten all the way through high school. I literally held the title "religious representative" for my small school's ASB in 7th and 8th grade. I was the cross...

DIY Resurrection Garden for Easter
Luke 24:6 - He is not here; he has risen! I hadn't heard of a Resurrection Garden until I saw one online a few years ago. I've wanted to make one since then and I'm so glad I finally did. It is such a beautiful way to focus o...