Fast and Easy Snack Wraps
Matthew 14:13-21 tells the well-known story of the five loaves and the two fish: "But Jesus said, "They need not go away; you give them something to eat." They said to him, "We have only five loaves here a...

Celebrating Our Ugandan Heritage at the Museum of Surrey in British Columbia
This year, I did something exciting, nerve recking and fun all wrapped up in one. The process actually began in August of 2024 when I filled out an application for a Community Treasures exhibit at the Museum of Surrey. In Oct...

Mindset Matters: Raising Resilient Kids
Parenting is a journey of equipping our children with the tools they need to thrive. One of the most powerful tools we can give them is their mindset-the lens through which they view the world. Just as our own mindset shapes ...

Keeping Siblings Occupied at Sports Events
Have you been racking your brain for ideas on how to keep a sibling occupied while at competitive sports events? Our daughter has a swim meet at least once a quarter and these events last up to five hours. That is a pretty lo...

Easy High Protein Lunch: Pizza in a Bowl + Video Tutorial
I am in the office five days a week and try to bring my lunch at least four of those days. Not only does it save money but it also means I am less likely to grab something unhealthy just out of convenience. Protein helps keep...

What Am I Focusing on During Melancholy Seasons?
We've had a lot of dreary days lately. The sky has been gray and the rain has been nonstop. I was feeling depressed and needed some light, so I went outside. I have to say that there wasn't much light to be found out there. E...

Basking in God's Glorious Creation on an Early Sunday Morning
And Abraham went early in the morning to the place where he had stood before the Lord. Genesis 19:27 There is something special about taking an early morning walk on a quiet Sunday morning. Sunday mornings are always quiet. T...

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
Who doesn't love crunchy chocolate chip oatmeal cookies? Mmmm....my mouth is watering just thinking about them! A friend shared this recipe with me when we visited them in the beautiful farm city that is Chilliwack, British C...

Wilderness Seasons with God and the Practice of Lent
A little over a year ago, the Holy Spirit brought me into a wilderness season in my faith. I could sense the shift from a time of encouragement and closeness with God, to slowly increasing griefs. People close to me started g...

Start Your Day Feeling Satisfied with Corned Beef Hash
Springtime can feel like a bit of a frenzy, can't it? It's full of beauty and excitement as dreary February is washed away and we look forward to starting fresh and feeling some sun on our faces. It also has the potential to ...
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Colossians 3:2 - Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.
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What are the top challenges in marriage today? AllMomDoes host Julie Lyles Carr shares the six top issues that can create issues in your relationship in this special two-part miniseries we're calling The Marriage Big Six. https://bit.ly/4bpso7Z
The AllMomDoes podcast is powered by our friends at George Fox University
Deuteronomy 8:3b - ...People do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
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Matthew 6:21 - Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.
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Whether you have little ones at home to help you hunt for the twigs and rocks, your kids are grown, or you're looking for a special project to do with your grandkids, this craft is fun and meaningful for everyone! It's a beautiful reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us all. Get it here: allmomdoes.com/blog/diy-resurrection-garden-for-easter
I'm so excited to share with you one of my favorite Ugandan recipes, the Rolex, a popular Ugandan Street Food. Get the delicious recipe + video tutorial here: allmomdoes.com/blog/rolex-recipe-a-delicious-popular-ugandan-street-food