Just when you finally put away all those Christmas decorations, we are now somehow already into Spring Break season. Are your plans less Hawaiian vacation and more stay-cation? You’re sure to get creative and find fun things to do locally to keep those kids entertained. And while part of me is grasping at straws to convince myself I would rather be at home in the great state of Washington than a beach on Hawaii, one thing I am honestly looking forward to is Spring Cleaning.
Okay, I know the end of the week will come and I will still feel disorganized and disheveled. But here are ten things we can actually accomplish (or maybe pick 5):
1) Vacuum your car. Few things bring me immediate shame than when the following words are sprung on me, “can we take your car?” Now, a true friend won’t judge the goldfish crackers and random socks strung about. But deep down, we all cringe. This Spring Break, I will successfully vacuum out my car!!!
2) Make a list. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Even things like “clean out closet” can be so time consuming it just haunts you. But maybe “go through items to donate”.
3) Wash all bed sheets and stuffed animals. I do not wash my kids sheets weekly as I probably should. Top of my to-do list is getting all of these items thoroughly cleaned.
4) Involve your kids. Don’t punish your kids by making them clean and organize during their Spring Break. But do give them jobs to do that they might enjoy. I recently discovered my six year old loves cleaning mirrors. Don’t know why and don’t care. Here is a rag, let’s move on.
5) Don’t Procrastinate. Make it a goal to get a few things done on the first couple of days so that you can have time to chill.
6) Switch out your closet with Spring/Summer clothes. This will get you excited for warmer weather ahead. Get those capris and short sleeved tops to the front of the closet and the heavy sweaters stored in the back.
7) Head to the Dollar Store. Careful, this could easily lead to you just gaining more “stuff” that you don’t need. Give yourself a $5 limit and pick up a few Spring things to brighten up your house or desk!
8) Give the appearance of organization. Get a basket for each kid and label them with their name. Anything hanging around the house goes into the owners basket and they can clean it out once a week (or if something is missing, chances are it’s in your basket!) I have a basket too so that my clutter isn’t on the counter.
9) Surface clean. Don’t whip out the magnifying glass but your house can look presentable in no time with some simple surface cleaning. Dishes in the dishwasher, items in baskets and a good wipe on all counters and sinks.
10) Working during your kids Spring Break? I hear ya! I am taking 3 days off and working the other 2. Maybe you spring clean your office or cubicle area. We spend a lot of time at our desks. It’s good to wipe it down regularly.
Now, relax and think about the things you accomplished that you couldn’t have done if you were on a tropical vacation. Yep, still trying to convince myself I’d rather be home.
What are your plans for Spring Break? We’d LOVE to hear!
Read more of Stephanie’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.