I often buy those little wellness juice shots found at Trader Joes or most any grocery store. They claim to be loaded with antioxidants, anti-inflammation, probiotics; there are many options based on what you are looking for. A friend was telling me about the benefits of turmeric including combating inflammation and easing digestive discomfort. Naturally, I started going for that specific ingredient when I purchased wellness juice shots.
But those little bottles add up in cost. Typically, anywhere from $2-$5 for two ounces.
I discovered that it is actually super simple to make these at home for much less money. I have been making a batch on Sundays when I do a little meal prep and it is so nice having it ready to go in the fridge for such a fraction of the price I was paying.
You’ll need:
2 whole lemons squeezed
1 TBSP Tumeric
1.5 cups Water or Coconut Water
1 tsp Black Pepper- which apparently is what activates the turmeric
¼ tsp Cayenne pepper
2-3 inches of Ginger (just throw it in whole!)
Container to store in the fridge
Blend all ingredients together and store in the fridge. I take a 1-2 ounces of the juice each morning on an empty stomach.
Wishing you wellness!
Read more of Stephanie’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.
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