Tag Archives: Faith
Devotional: Entirely Saved Day 5
In the five years since I started my blog, I have met with much offense. It seems the in the cyberworld, offense is proudly displayed. Perhaps, if someone had warned me, I would've never posted a word...
AllMomDoes Sep 12, 2020 Photo Credit: iStock / freedom007
Devotional: Entirely Saved Day 4
What is love? Truly, I believe I love well, but patience is not one of my superpowers. I have been known to be jealous and brag. And I have shamed another, sought to promote my self, gotten mad, easil...
AllMomDoes Sep 11, 2020 Photo Credit: iStock / pcess609
Devotional: Entirely Saved Day 3
Fear is the absence of love. Fear is a shallow bath in a tepid puddle of unbelief. Love is the brilliance of a deep end dive into crystal cool abundance... Drinking in huge gulps of the miraculous. In...
AllMomDoes Sep 10, 2020 Photo Credit: iStock / kjekol
Devotional: Entirely Saved Day 2
I am drawn to the thief on the cross. It was actually the first time I recognized how hard I was working to obtain companionship with Jesus. The thief on the cross was out of time. He really did get t...
AllMomDoes Sep 09, 2020 Photo Credit: iStock / freedom007
Devotional: Entirely Saved Day 1
We all have a story. We all have a journey that brought us to this moment. Most likely, were you to write 27 things that most impacted who you are today, it would be easy to recount major events. Meet...
AllMomDoes Sep 08, 2020 Photo Credit: iStock / Sergio Yoneda
Are You Believing Lies About Yourself? Here's How To Stop!
What happens when you feel you've failed? What happens when you're filled with fear? When your kids get sick of you as their teacher? When you lose your job? When your job gets harder, and you're no l...
AllMomDoes Aug 20, 2020 Photo Credit: iStock / fizkes
I Know You Are Overwhelmed & Doing Your Best
Today, I am sitting across from you at the coffee shop with a warm latte; we are sipping and chatting. I am looking you in the eyes and telling you something important. This is something someone recen...
Rebecca Joy Aug 18, 2020
Go In Peace
This is the story of a woman. I don't know her well but I've seen her around, walking the streets of our downtown area. She always looks dirty. She sleeps around and has a bad reputation. She is an ad...
Abbie Mabary Aug 06, 2020 photo credit: iStock/undefined undefined
Things Are Looking Up!
What in the world is going on? Sometimes it feels like the world is spiraling out of control but take heart, God has told us the end from the beginning. He never wanted us to be in the dark about what...
AllMomDoes Jul 09, 2020 Photo Credit: iStock / aldomurillo
Devotion: An Invitation to Trust
In Matthew 7:9-11, Jesus makes an incredible statement. Something that I pray will bring peace and hope to your soul today... "Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he...
AllMomDoes Jul 03, 2020 Credit: iStock / Charday Penn