Tag Archives: Faith
Grandparenting with Purpose: Leaving a Spiritual Legacy
What will the world be like in 2050? As a grandma in her 60's, I'm pretty sure I won't be around to experience it. But it can be a frightening thought to think how our precious grandchildren will be n...
AllMomDoes Apr 15, 2019
Do We Truly Want Abundant Life?
"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10b Jesus came to give us abundant life, but do we truly want this? Jesus had abundant life and so did His followers. There was compani...
AllMomDoes Apr 15, 2019
What Easter and Dietrich Bonhoeffer Taught Me about Hope
Hope is something our world lacks more with each passing year. Natural disasters and catastrophes sweep in without a moment's warning and shake our normal. Emptiness hides behind fake facades that onl...
AllMomDoes Apr 14, 2019
I'm Saying No To Tolerance
I've decided I am saying no to tolerance. Wikipedia says "Toleration and tolerance are terms used in social, cultural, and religious contexts to describe attitudes which are 'tolerant' (or moderately ...
AllMomDoes Mar 27, 2019
After the Healing
I was going through my closet today and came across an old hoodie emblazoned with the words "HOPE ANCHORS THE SOUL". I had gotten it a few years ago as part of a fundraiser for my friend who was battl...
Abbie Mabary Mar 27, 2019
When Parenting Has You Feeling Overwhelmed
When my first born was about a week old, I had what I will refer to as a short spurt of postpartum depression. I don't know if it would actually be classified as that because the duration was only a c...
Stephanie O'Farrell Mar 27, 2019
Mom Confession: I Don't Do Easter With My Kids
First the Easter bunny hid colored eggs. Then those eggs turned plastic and held little treats inside them. Then he brought baskets with treats and stuffed animals. And now that oversized bunny is app...
Kristina Slaney Mar 22, 2019
You Are So, So Brave
A few years ago, I wrote about how annoying I find most clichs and those "encouragement" posters. I stand by what I wrote back then. Not only do people often toss a clich at you to stop you from shari...
Ann Kirsten Mar 17, 2019
Encouragement Table: Miracles
Erica & Rebecca are chatting about miracles today! Where have you seen or experienced a miracle recently? Erica has a few incredible stories! Breakthrough Movie Miracle on a Plane
Rebecca Joy Mar 14, 2019
We are “Sojourner Truth”: Moms on a Mission
In the spirit of black history month, my household is celebrating a black trailblazer every day to promote pride and educate on the history of Black Americans. The trailblazer of today is Sojourner Tr...
Georgina Dukes Feb 18, 2019