Tag Archives: Faith
When Good Things Get Polluted By Evil
A few years ago, my husband bought me my first birdfeeder. I loved to sit in my chair and watch the antics of the birds. What amazed me was how the different birds seemed to have human characteristics...
Ann Kirsten Feb 05, 2019
Encouragement Table: Resources for Filling Your cup
Erica and Rebecca dove into the idea of quiet/devotional time today. What does it mean to fill our cups? Why do we need to do it and how can we make it work in our crazy lives? Here are some resources...
Rebecca Joy Jan 18, 2019
A Fun Way to Pray for Your Kids
I began a new practice several weeks ago. A visible way for my kids to see that I've prayed for them. Mamas, doesn't it feel good to get that phone call or text out of the blue with someone assuring y...
Abbie Mabary Jan 17, 2019
Ten Verses To Encourage Your New Year
Welcome to 2019, everyone! As we step into the new year and put away the things of Christmas, it is easy to feel a sort of let-down after all that activity, excitement, and wonder. We spend a season o...
Emily Klesick Dec 28, 2018 Barney Moss / CC
To The Mom Who Needs to Forgive
Dear Mom Who Needs to Forgive, I want you to know that I've been in your shoes and it is a rough place to be. I'm not here to tell you that forgiveness is easy but I do want to tell you that it is nec...
AllMomDoes Dec 06, 2018
Who Am I Listening To? God or Another Messed-Up Human?
I am a mother of four. That means four times the love, four times the fun, and four times the noise. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have it any other way but it is pretty much always loud, confusing m...
Abbie Mabary Nov 13, 2018
The Pharisee, the Tax Collector, and Judgmental Me
Two men made their way into the same church service one day. The first man was the preacher. He was a kind, honest man who was loved and well known in the community. He helped the poor and gave genero...
Abbie Mabary Oct 25, 2018
Only 936 Weeks to Influence Your Child
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12 NIV The average parent has 936 weeks to prepare their child with the tools needed to succeed without parental guidance......
Georgina Dukes Oct 21, 2018
The Painful Process of Growing Close to God
I've been growing closer to God lately and frankly, it's been rather painful. Is that ok to admit? I mean I wouldn't change it... except maybe make it less stressful and a smidge more fun and perhaps ...
Abbie Mabary Oct 12, 2018
The Suddenness of Change
It seems like I am shocked every year by the sudden appearance of fall. One minute the sun is shining warmly and the next second the air is crisp and cool. One day, I am dressed in shorts and tank top...
Ann Kirsten Oct 05, 2018