Tag Archives: Faith
Hollis vs. Voskamp
I love to read. I love a good biography and am particularly fond of reading books written by female Christian writers. There is a shared perspective there and I appreciate their encouragement and wisd...
Abbie Mabary Sep 28, 2018
Pruning Your Life Is Hard, but Necessary
I have two large hydrangea bushes next to my front walk. They supply me with a bounty of lovely, blue blooms every year. Ever since I moved in, I have allowed them to grow unimpeded because they bring...
Ann Kirsten Aug 29, 2018
Revive Your Prayer Life with This One Simple Change
A few years ago I participated in an in depth study of prayer. At the time I was a mom of four. We had recently completed our first adoption and were attempting to navigate the complicated blessing of...
Abbie Mabary Aug 13, 2018
The Leap to College: Preparing Your Child for When You Won't Be There Anymore
At every step in a child's life, mom is there to impart wisdom and shape their child to be the best they can be. It seems daunting - all the things we need to teach our kids before they head off on th...
AllMomDoes Aug 07, 2018
My Adult Child Rejected the Faith of His Youth
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 When I was a young mom I took this to mean: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and he'l...
Ann Kirsten Aug 06, 2018
God Has a Plan for the Uncertainty of Transition
Somewhere along the way through motherhood, I started caring a lot less about what other people thought of me. Mostly, I didn't have time for it while chasing three small children and working full tim...
AllMomDoes Jul 22, 2018
For the Mom Who Longs for Time with Jesus
I had a conversation with a young mommy yesterday and she was recounting her previous night. She realized that she hadn't read her Bible in quite some time and she missed having some quiet time with t...
Ann Kirsten Jul 15, 2018
To the Newly Single Parent: You Can Do This!
Guest post by Alysha Abrams Dear Newly Single Parent, I remember the first time it really hit me - "I'm a Single Parent". That was never what I intended nor was it something I had ever imagined. I kno...
AllMomDoes Jun 11, 2018
Can I Love Two Kids As Much As One?
Guest post by Leilani Glassmyer I remember after having my daughter thinking I would not have another child after her because how could I ever share the love I have for her with another child; I mean ...
AllMomDoes Jun 05, 2018
What Does It Actually Mean to "Find Your Identity In Christ," Anyway?
Guest post by Emily Donehoo When I was a curious new Christian in my early twenties asking experienced Christians questions about life and faith that I struggled with, it seemed that their responses w...
AllMomDoes Jun 01, 2018