Tag Archives: Faith
When the Faith of a Child Moves the Hand of God
My son, Brandon was six years old when he had his first seizure. I called 9-1-1 and held him as he seized for 25 minutes. When the seizure was over, he was airlifted to the hospital where the neurolog...
AllMomDoes Apr 18, 2017
When It’s Hard to Move Forward
I knew something was wrong the night he was born.
His cry was weak. He had a strange birthmark on the back of his head that ran down his spine like a symmetrical inkblot. Later, he turned blu...
AllMomDoes Apr 17, 2017
Finding the Bravery You Need to Accomplish what God’s Calling You to Do
A few years ago, God wouldn’t leave me alone about writing a book. I tried to ignore Him, but He stayed on my heels like my boys do when they want me to pick up donuts on Saturday morning.
AllMomDoes Apr 16, 2017
Embracing Our Newness After the Cross
I was born on Easter Sunday and baptized on Mother's Day 13 years later.
A Disney-obsessed, romantic perfectionist, I thought that when the water of that baptismal washed me clean, a magical ...
AllMomDoes Apr 15, 2017
Exceptionally Good Saturday
I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. Philippians 3:10
If yesterday was Good Friday, then...
AllMomDoes Apr 15, 2017
When the End Isn't
I often wonder what it was like for Mary as she stood at the cross watching her son die. As a momma to three sons, I can hardly think about it without welling up with tears. Momma’s aren&r...
AllMomDoes Apr 13, 2017
He’ll Carry You
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 NIV
My feet pounded the pavement, arms swinging, lungs expanding as I urged my feet to move just a little faster. If I could...
AllMomDoes Apr 12, 2017
Moving Forward After Rejection
I remember the moment I opened the letter. To this day, I can still visualize every detail of the memory down to how the paper felt in my shaking little hands. I was standing in my bedroom...
AllMomDoes Apr 11, 2017
After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh? Galatians 3:3
They would huddle in the parking lot, crouched down behind car bumpers, giddy with ...
Julie Lyles Carr Apr 10, 2017
Pushing Past Negativity to Pursue God’s Call On Your Life
Several years ago, I was invited to speak at a national women’s conference. As I sat in the lobby waiting to be transported to the arena, some of the other conference speakers began to congregat...
AllMomDoes Apr 09, 2017