When my kids were in preschool and elementary school, there would be a certain stress looming over me this time of year.
The classroom Valentine exchange stress.
Sure, it was a small stressor but something that still added to my plate as a parent. Now that my kids are in middle school, we no longer have the yearly debacle of what classroom Valentines my kids want to distribute. We have moved onto new stress like whether or not the kids will get a valentine gram during one of their classes.
Moms, we are making it easier on you this year.
Here are ten ideas with a huge variety from store bought to super Pinterest craft. Whatever you and your kids are into, one of these is sure to be perfect for you.
Fruit with cute sayings– This idea is pretty cute and I like that it is candy free!
I need more s’more friends like you– this one caught my eye because it’s not the typical lollipop type of sugar and it is just so cute!
Flowers made with suckers– this one is way too complicated for me but some of you moms could totally rock it!
Don’t be afraid of store bought– My kids usually loved this the most so who was I to force a craft project on them that will of course mean I would end up doing most the work?
Glad you’re in my school– Swedish fish are my favorite candy and this is perfect for every classmate! Or if you don’t want to put in candy, try this one.
Colorful Day- The Dollar Store has crayons and, depending on your kid’s classroom size, this could be a cute option that kids would use and enjoy!
Salt dough heart necklaces– Another one too crafty for me but these are super cute!
Cute cereal packs I bought these this year for my daughter to have on hand to give out to friends if she wants. Only $8 for 32 packs!
Teacher gifts– Grab some hand sanitizer or lotion for a cute teacher gift (totally optional of course!)
Or this “you da balm!” idea from a past blog I did on DIY gifts.
We’d LOVE to hear other ideas you have for both easy and ultra-crafty Valentines.
Read more of Stephanie’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.