Ladies, we’re not that complicated, are we?
Okay, maybe sometimes we are.
Let’s be honest. Sometimes our guys have a tough job. Navigating moods and hormones and women who like things done just so exacerbated by our tendency to never simply ask for what we need tends to make helping out seem like an uphill battle.
And then there’s the man’s mind, which tends to think that doing something for their wives means it has to be hero-worthy and over-the-top to be impressive, and it’s hard for them to know where to begin.
The good news is that at allmomdoes we’re here to help. The truth is that even the simplest of gestures can be incredibly meaningful and incredibly helpful. So ladies, share this with the man in your life to give him a heads-up – and then notice when he does one of them!
1. If you run an errand, take a kid with you. Notice I didn’t even say “take all the kids.” The truth is that even one less kiddo around the house for an hour feels kind of like a vacation for mom. If you want to take them all – great! – but it doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
2. Help her carry the groceries in from the car. If the two of you do it together, it’s a two-minute process. Seriously so simple! Bonus points if you help put them away.
3. Take over occasional bedtime duty. If you’re not normally involved in bedtime, consider taking over once in awhile – or once a week.
4. Encourage her to get out of the house once in awhile. Don’t wait for her to tell you about something she’d like to do. Take the initiative and simply mention that she should take some time for herself while you watch the kids. Here’s the kicker – you don’t even have to plan some fabulous outing for her to go to. Just tell her that you’d be supportive if she wanted to take some alone time. How simple is that?
5. Cook dinner. Again, this doesn’t have to be every night! Just once in awhile take over the kitchen duties.
6. Fill up her gas tank. Running an errand? Take her car and swing by the gas station on your way home.
7. Make the bed. If you’re out the door before she’s even up in the morning, then this won’t work. But on the weekends you can totally do this. Takes 2 minutes.
8. Give her a parenting break. Are you usually the “fun” parent? Then step in and gently discipline so she doesn’t have to. Are you typically the disciplinarian? Then take the kids outside for an evening walk to help wear them out before bedtime. This will give her a brief and unexpected emotional reprieve.
9. Clean out her car. You don’t have to detail it. You don’t even have to vacuum (though, she seriously wouldn’t mind if you did). Just pick up all the art projects from preschool, the bulletins from church, the random milk cups and snack containers, and long lost shoes and bring them in the house.
10. Listen and empathize. Don’t try to fix the problem, just listen. Empathize. Don’t judge her emotions over whatever issue she needs to get off her chest.
Ladies, what are some other super simple but tangible things your husband can do to help you out and make you feel supported?