It is easy to take ordinary everyday things for granted. You actually have to purpose to be grateful for them as most of the time, you will go about your day without even noticing that what you call ordinary, is a great privilege for others.
My husband usually gets a chuckle out of me saying I thank God we have hot running water in our home. That is something easily taken for granted in most North American houses. I say this because the boarding school I attended for high school in Uganda did not have hot running water and showers were reserved for A level students (seniors). Living in a tropical country that was always warm helped a bit but still, that cold water was a shock to the system at 6am in the morning!
The point I’m trying to make is that now as I enjoy a long hot shower you will hear me say with much gratitude; I thank you God for hot running water!!! I understand it is a privilege and I’m grateful for it, though I still take it for granted many times.
Another example I can think of is when I had a cold some months back and could not breathe through my nose, it was so frustrating! I had to stop and say Lord please forgive me for every time I took being able to breath through my nose for granted!
The season of thanksgiving is a time to purposefully say thank you to God as an individual and as families. This of course does not mean that we only express thankfulness on Thanksgiving Day. As children of God, we are called to live our daily lives with a spirit of thankfulness.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I love how the Bible is careful to say that we give thanks in everything and not necessarily for everything, because even in the trials we face, we can give thanks for the truth we know that God will never leave us or forsake us. He is the LORD that delivers us from all our trials.
“The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all.” Psalm 34:19
A friend shared with me how their little girl is always so grateful for every single thing! She will say thank you with as much joy and excitement for pebble you picked up and handed to her during a walk as she will for a new toy. To her, there is no little or big thing to be grateful for, they are all big things! We could learn so much from this child, every gift from God is perfect and grand.
Whether it be the gift of rain to water our plants, a new baby, a promotion at work, a scholarship for your child or hot running water in your shower.
Praying for the grace to be as thankful for everyday, ordinary things as I am for what I choose to call the big and grand things.
Jesus teaches us in His word that it is important for us to give thanks and glory to God always. For He daily loads us with benefits. We must count our blessings, naming them one by one, and then give thanks to our God who is the source of those blessings. Amen.
“One of them, a Samaritan, when he discovered that he was completely healed, turned back to find Jesus, shouting out joyous praises and glorifying God. When he found Jesus, he fell down at his feet and thanked him over and over, saying to him, “You are the Messiah.”
“So where are the other nine?” Jesus asked. “Weren’t there ten who were healed? They all refused to return to give thanks and give glory to God except you, a foreigner from Samaria?”
“Then Jesus said to the healed man lying at his feet, “Arise and go. It was your faith that brought you salvation and made you whole.” Luke 17:15-19
Read more of Rachel’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.