I have said it before and I will say it again: I HATE HOUSEWORK!
I hate it all: laundry, vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning. Housework is never-ending, thankless, and just plain dumb.
But today I found a housecleaning task that filled me with joy: pushing the “unsubscribe” button on my computer!
I had over a hundred new emails in my inbox and it felt so heavy, kind of like a messy house feels. Some of them were necessary, but quite a few were from companies I had only shopped at in the distant past.
Today, I took the time to open the emails, scroll to “unsubscribe”, and follow the directions. It was exhilarating. Look at me “cleaning house” like a pro! Of course, I was doing it all from a chair without getting my hands dirty, but I still felt incredibly accomplished. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if housecleaning were this simple?
I further daydreamed about being able to unsubscribe from other messy things in life:
Drama from friends? Sorry, I unsubscribed. Fighting kids? I unsubscribed, take it elsewhere. Hungry family? I unsubscribed from cooking, order yourselves a pizza.
Think of the possibilities! Think of how easy life would be (and how lazy I would be!).
Sadly, there is purpose to the yucky parts of life. I know that I learn and grow way more during the hard times than any other time. I wish that weren’t true, but it is.
So, for now, I will struggle through and continue doing the things I’d rather not waste my attention on. I’ll clean my dumb house and do all the tasks I so despise doing.
At least today I found some joy in “cleaning house” and that is a miracle indeed.
Read more of Ann’s contributions to allmomdoes here.