We have officially rung in a New Year! As much as I love the Christmas season, I also welcome January because it provides me some relief. Over eating and over spending are both things I did a bit too much. I am looking forward to a house not cluttered with Christmas decorations and lots of nights staying in so we can financially recover from getting slightly off budget last month. I am also looking forward on getting back on track with my fitness and eating habits. This is a pretty standard New Year’s Resolution. For those of you who are regular gym goers, you will likely become frustrated this month when you have to circle the gym parking lot a couple of times before finding a spot. I see it every year: January at the gym is as busy as December at the malls. By the end of February, this already starts to dwindle down.
As an advocate for health and fitness, I remain hopeful that more people this year than last year will keep their resolution of becoming more fit and healthy. As a full time working mom of two small children, I completely understand how working out and eating healthy can take a back seat. It’s so easy to fall into excuses and I certainly have. I have told myself the craziest excuses instead of just admitting I I really just wanted that bacon maple bar.
How many of you right now reading this want to make a change when it comes to your health? Maybe you don’t know where to begin or it seems like too big of a challenge to even attempt to take on. You are not alone! I am here to help you and January is going to be a month of finding fitness for everyone. Not a runner? Then if I post something about running at an incline, modify it and walk it instead. Fitness is for everyone! No excuses!!!
Start slow, don’t set yourself up for failure. New at fitness? Don’t set a goal of working out seven days a week or running your first ½ marathon by February. Be realistic and you will find your chances for long term success much greater!
Give yourself credit when credit is due. Did you park further away from your office to force yourself a little walk? Maybe you turned down that donut? Maybe you ran your first ¼ of a mile…it doesn’t matter how small it might seem. Count it and be proud of yourself! This will help you to continuously motivate yourself!
Find a partner. Having someone to meet you at the gym or for your neighborhood walk means you are accountable for keeping up the work.
Reflect on your week, every week! Sometimes just finding 20 minutes to be active is an accomplishment. Jot down what you do each day so that you can look back and motivate yourself for the following week.
Getting off track doesn’t mean you can quit. Have a bad week where you don’t workout and you go to Taco Time three times? We’ve all been there! All it means is that you are human and you can get back on track. It doesn’t mean that you just throw in the towel and make the same choices the following week!
I’d love to hear your specific questions and/or goals when it comes to health and fitness. Let’s partner up and do this together!
Here’s to making this a year for true change within each of you!
Read more of Stephanie’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.