Well, I held out as long as I could, but I have this year’s cold/flu.
It was inevitable really. My grandkids bring home all kinds of germs from school and share them freely. I suppose I should isolate myself whenever I hear they are sick, but I just can’t. For one thing, it seems like one of them is always sick, and for another Nana-cuddles are very healing to sick kids.
And so, I get sick more often than I’d like.
A few years ago, I wrote about learning how to deal with illness from the grandkids (you’re never too old to learn). Since then, a cute little 3-year-old has been added to our family. She has a cold right now and refused to even acknowledge that she was sick. When anyone commented on the fact that she was ill, she’d respond with, “No, I’m not.” Maybe she thought by denying it she could send the cold away. I respect her approach. Meanwhile, I’m over here announcing I’m sick to anyone who will listen.

Photo Credit: Ann Kirsten
I am still in awe of how all the kids handle illness compared to … well, me!
Their ages have changed, but otherwise the message is the same. I reshare it with you now to show you what I’m still trying to learn. I hope that it will convince me to quit being a whining mess (I am pretty sure my face is trying to explode though).
Click the graphic below and send to someone who could use a little perking up!
Read more of Ann’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.