It’s funny how things can creep up on you, isn’t it? Things that you’ve worked through in the past and then BOOM, all of a sudden you get that old feeling again. That sinking feeling in your heart and that ache in your gut and that voice in your head that says “I don’t fit in…I’m different.”
I can’t even remember what made me feel this way the other day or what I was even doing. Nobody had jilted me or anything like that. I am, however, going through some transition time right now as I’ve started to work outside my home a couple hours a day. Change can make you feel a little unstable for a bit. New people, new surroundings. You know….
We all want to fit in sometimes, don’t we?
Early in my walk with the Lord, I started going to women’s bible studies. I used to feel so different from other Christian women. I WAS different in my circle of friends. With my alcoholic/drug addict background and all the dysfunction that I grew up with…I just never really fit.
That’s how I felt, anyway!
One day I was complaining to God about this after leaving a bible study. (By the way nobody ever made me feel unwelcome or different…it was in my head.) I was feeling sorry for myself and just feeling…different!
I remember to this day what God spoke to my heart. “The only thing you need in common with others is Jesus.” Wow, it was like my eyes were wide open and my heart soared…why YES God, that’s it! To this day, I have never felt different in a women’s setting at church…
All we need is Jesus.
However many of us are in contact with many others that are not believers and if we aren’t then we should be. What then? When we feel like we don’t belong?
So here’s the truth…We DON’T belong! We are strangers and pilgrims in this foreign land, remember? Hebrews 11:13
That doesn’t mean we don’t love others and that they don’t love us, but we will never feel exactly right and fit in until we get to heaven…that’s a fact.
So until then?
I say, be who God created you to be! Trying to “fit in” is a people pleasing activity. Don’t play it.
Keep your eyes focused on God and please Him. Don’t worry about fitting in.
Sometimes we feel more alone than we really are. If everyone were honest and raised their hand today if they felt like they didn’t fit in sometimes… it would be practically everyone.
Be the one that makes others feel like THEY fit in.
So have fun, be yourself, live courageously, laugh a lot.
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
If I told you some of the goofy things I’ve done at work lately…you’d think I was crazy, but like I said…
I feel like I don’t fit in, because I don’t.
It’s a good thing!