We tucked the kids in and then I grabbed my notebook, our December calendar and a pen. I plopped down under the tree and started writing out our week, day by day with a page for each one. Up and down those pages I wrote our plans, our meals, who needed to be where and what we’d need to bring.
As the pages filled up, I looked up at my husband and asked him if he had any goals for the week. We chatted about his for a moment and then he asked me about mine. I looked down at my lists, pausing and remembering this quote that I saw recently.
If you do something out of duty, it will deplete you, but if you do something out of love, it will energize you.
With that in mind, I decided that my main goal is to do all of this with joy and to work on remembering that all of these plans aren’t just to-dos, but they are privileges.
My kids have awesome teachers that we GET to thank.
I have an amazing MOPS group that I GET to bring food to.
We have a wonderful homegroup that we GET to go to.
We have healthy kids, with Christmas concerts that we GET to attend.
We GET to bake cookies with cousins.
We have clothes that I GET to clean.
We have food that I GET to cook.
These next few days before Christmas sure look full on paper and sometimes when we have a lot on our family plate, I fall into the trap of complaining….the trap of anxiety that I might forget something important or the fear that I’ll get terribly behind on things here at home.
As we enter this new week, counting down to Christmas, as we literally wrap things up and put a bow on all of it, may we be energized and not depleted.
May we do things out of love, becoming energized in the process. May we be joy spreaders and may we see all of our to-dos as get-tos. May we be filled up and not emptied.
What about you, do you have specific goals for the next few days?