February 2018 marks a very important year for me. In 2 days, my divorce will be final. After 5 years of separation from the man that I had planned to spend the rest of my life with, I find myself sprinting to the finish line. I will finally be divorced.
Today is February 14, St. Valentine’s Day. A day where we celebrate romantic love. Stores devote more than a month to promoting pink and red hearts. We see chocolates and flowers everywhere. The card aisle turns pink and there are signs everywhere that say, “For the Love in your Life!”
I walked into the day hesitant. I knew that I wouldn’t be getting flowers or chocolates. I knew that there would be people at work that would get flower deliveries or visits from their significant other. Social media would be alive with pictures of the thoughtful things spouses did for each other. I was just a spectator to all this loveliness. Honestly, it made my heart sad.
But then, God has a wonderful way of showing his love, doesn’t he?
There was a lovely coat of snow on the grass this morning. It was absolutely beautiful. There was a gift in my chair when I arrived at work from a co-worker who knew today would be difficult for me. Around 10am, a group of preschoolers came through the office offering Valentines cards to everyone. They had the sweetest faces, and kindest hearts. Another co-worker shared a book with me. A friend dropped off a large Hershey Kiss.
It wasn’t until my boss’s meal service made the weekly delivery that I was finally hit over the head with the realization that my Father in heaven was sending me love notes all day long. The meal service (we call her the food fairy) gave me one of her delicious chocolate muffins. Ok, this might be a small gesture, but it was huge for me. Someone I see for one minute, once a week, brought me a small token of care. Did she have any idea what that token meant to me?
Doesn’t God work in wonderful and amazing ways? No matter what happens in my life, He always finds a way to tell me how truly loved I am.
But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever. Psalm 52:8
Author: Debbie Conner