by Mike Olson, Junior High Assistant Principal at Bellevue Christian School
So…you’re considering a move to a Christian school. Educating kids is a big deal, and it has many facets (some explicit, some implicit). Frankly, it can be hard to know how to think about all of it. I have worked at Bellevue Christian School for nearly 26 years as a teacher, coach, supervisor, director, and currently as the junior high assistant principal. My wife also works at BCS, and I’ve had two kids graduate and another is currently a freshman. All that to say that I’ve experienced the Christian school world in many ways, warts and all.
When considering a Christian school, here are some elements to ponder:
Do it because you want a culture and climate which nurtures the whole child and provides a framework for equipping them to live as God intended, wherever they are, for the rest of their lives.
Don’t do it because you believe Christian schools are a panacea from the evils of the world. No place is perfect, and Christian kids cuss too.
Do it because you desire a more relational approach to school and are excited to partner with the school and champion their mission and vision for educating your child.
Don’t do it because you want an a la carte approach to your child’s education. If you want a buffet, go to a restaurant. If you want a holistic educational experience for your child, look at a school’s overall approach to that experience and once you’ve chosen the school, go all in.
Do it because you want your child to participate in a school experience which will encourage and support them, as well as expose them to difficult ideas and equip them to live for Christ in a sinful world.
Don’t do it because you believe Christian schooling is entirely safe and your child isn’t capable of being “that kid” from time to time. For the parent who has uttered the words “my kid would never…”, I’d point them towards Genesis chapter three. In short, God—the perfect Father—had his two kids rebel and go with the talking snake. Then, when caught, blamed everyone except themselves. In chapter four, His first grandson killed his brother and responded with “who me?” Christian schools are full of sinners in need of a savior. What differentiates Christian schools from others is that they can call out sin for what it is and create a framework to move everyone (parents too) towards reconciliation, redemption, and restoration.
Do it because you’re invested in the long game for your child. Christian schools are ultimately about spiritual formation and discipleship, neither of which happen overnight. As one who’s been in the trenches for 25 years, I have story after story of former students who are changing the world in the name of Jesus, using their gifts for His glory and the good of others. When I had them as students, many were disengaged from school or had a disciplinary history. Christian schools equip for life, so patience is important. Spiritual formation is a continually unfolding process, and Christian schools should be thinking along those lines. As a paying customer, patience is important because you may not necessarily see the fruit of your investment until after they’ve graduated.
Don’t do it because you think a Christian school is going to fix your kid. These are God’s kids, and His plan for them is what matters. I’m watching this with my own children, as they are all living into God’s story for their lives, and their Christian school experience has its fingerprints all over their them.
We invite you to call the Admissions Office today at (425) 460-3300, apply online at or email BCS at We are happy to setup a tour or tell you more about our special programs, Athletics, Arts and Academics. Bellevue Christian is excited to work alongside you to prepare your child to live faithfully for God.